I went to see LouLou on Valentine’s day and she was in fine form. As expected, she was dressed in red with a Valentine necklace on. She has always loved jewelry, and though now it’s inexpensive costume jewelry since she lives in a facility, she still coordinates it and enjoys it immensely. There’s much to be said for small pleasures.
It’s hard for to me to grasp all that she’s experienced in 102 years of living and I cherish the hours spent with her. During my visit, I asked for her advice to couples on how to have a happy marriage. She pondered for a moment and replied, “You should be loving every single day. To stay together, you have to overlook a lot. To be happy, you have to overlook even more.”
So says LouLou and she oughta know. Remember Squall Line is tomorrow and I have a whopper of a story to tell you – that’s all too true.
It’s hard for to me to grasp all that she’s experienced in 102 years of living and I cherish the hours spent with her. During my visit, I asked for her advice to couples on how to have a happy marriage. She pondered for a moment and replied, “You should be loving every single day. To stay together, you have to overlook a lot. To be happy, you have to overlook even more.”
So says LouLou and she oughta know. Remember Squall Line is tomorrow and I have a whopper of a story to tell you – that’s all too true.
Oh the wisdom of living through it... You are blessed to have LouLou! I think I'll share her advice to a certain daughter who is struggling.
That's pretty much the best advice I've heard. Love covers a multitude of sins is the way the Bible put it. But LouLou's paraphrase is right on target.
Great advice from LouLou!
My Mamaw lived to be 103...oh the wisdom.
*Waiting for your post on the Beaver (personality).
What great advice! Thanks Loulou!
By the way...that is also the name of my all time favorite perfume!
Time gets away from me; I had to read four or five posts to get caught up. I loved this post. She sure doesn't look 102. And her advice is priceless. Thanks for sharing that private moment.
I love the picture, she looks so content!! I love her advice even more. What a treasure to be able to spend time with her!!
Hey Beverlydru! I just popped over to say I loved your comment at Lysa's blog today. I tell my teenage daughters the same thing.
I'm so glad I saw your post today. Wonderful wisdom words!
Sooo sweet. I love her advice! (and her necklace!)
Is it o.k. if I quote you on my blog?
Thank you for your visit today. I had to come over and see about your inspiration.
And are you ever a lucky lady!
I've always adored being with the older generations, to hear their stories, learn from their wisdom and their lives. Thank you for sharing your Grandmother with us.
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