I am known as Positive Pollyanna. In fact, I’ve been criticized for being too happy. Oh yes, I have. People just don’t believe it’s real. So I think I'm the perfect host for a Squall Line. I've learned that a joy shared is multiplied by 2 and a trouble shared is cut in half. So get out your knife, ‘cause we’re going to slice and dice some stuff that’s bugging you.
Mark your calendars. Starting next Tuesday, Nov. 18th , on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, I’ll be hosting the squall line. Rant Day. If you need a mental reminder of which Tuesday, just think that the first Tuesday of Nov. was election day. Ahem. So the 1st and 3rd Tuesday it is. I thought weekly was a bit much, but feel free to make your suggestions as I test the waters.
If you want a few examples of what I consider interesting squalls, here ya go:
If The Food Doesn’t Kill You the Parking Lot Will by Antique Mommy
Christmas Lighting Rules by Uncommon Blonde
Daylight Insanity Time by Jennifer at Conversion Diary
I know the posts will be short, long, funny, serious, up and down, but we're all in this big boat called "Life" together and I think sharing can make it better. A lifeboat for the squalls.
Squall Line is a sort of blog carnival. An explanation of how this works is found HERE
I’m not a big rule follower so it’s basic:
· When using Mr. Linky, please use a permalink that sends readers directly to the correct post.
· You can put the Squall Line button on your site with your post but you don’t have to. Please mention the Squall Line in your post with a link back to this site in case others want to read more or join in.
· I reserve the right to delete any links that are not appropriate but I can’t even imagine my bloggy friends being inappropriate. This comment is in the event someone tries to crash the party.
· I will have Mr. Linky available after midnight on the 1st and 3rd Mondays.
I know what my first rant will be: Why Mr. Linky and not Mrs. Linky? This will just not do. I hereby protest. Wait it's not even Monday so I will return. :)
I'm in. I have plenty of grocery store rants!
Sounds like fun Beverly. Rant on demand? That might be tough. LOL.
Great idea - thanks!
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