Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sitting Down on the Inside

I have 2 speeds: fast and stop. Since I don't sit still very often when I am awake, I have had to learn to "sit down on the inside".

Now that all the activities of the New Year are cranked back up, I am reminded of this prayer that a friend shared with me years ago. I keep it in my Bible and it is so worn out it’s hard to read. It’s a takeoff from the 23rd Psalm written by Marian Wright Edelman. I find that when I am awake at night thinking of all the things I have to get done, they seem so much more overwhelming than when I just get to the tasks. Worry is so counterproductive! I want to banish it from my life. Sometimes I am more successful at that than others. This is my reminder to me that instead of counting sheep (or ticking off the to-do list!) when sleepless, I will talk to the Shepherd. He is faithful and true!

The Lord is my pacesetter, I shall not rush.
He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals;
He provides me with images of stillness, which restore my serenity.
He leads me in ways of efficiency through calmness of mind,
And His guidance is peace.
Even though I have a great many things to accomplish each day, I will not fret, for His presence is here.
His timelessness, His all-importance will keep me in balance.
He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity by anointing my mind with His oils of tranquility.
My cup of joyous energy overflows.
Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruit of my hours for I shall walk in the place of my Lord and dwell in His house forever.

I wish you strength for the day and rest for the night!!


Uncommon Blonde said...

Did you write this just for me? What a good prayer! One I need to read every day ...

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I have never seen this before, and I love it. thanks for sharing!