This past weekend, I had prepared a new recipe, Bella~Mellas’s Chipotle Roast for Builderman along with his favorite scalloped potatoes and fresh green beans. About 45 minutes before dinner time, Builderman came in and said ““Everyman” is having a really bad day and I think we should invite him to dinner.” My first reaction was “there’s not enough!” I have finally learned how to cook for just the 2 of us, so the roast was small (I had cut it in half and frozen the rest). The potatoes cook for 90 minutes and there wasn’t extra of those either. I could snap more beans real quick, but there remained the fact that this individual is rough around the edges and tough to be around.
I pondered for a few minutes and realized I’d made the wrong choice. I didn’t need to eat much and this person surely needed more than my cooking; he needed spiritual food. I apologized to my husband and said “I’ll do my part – tell him to come on.” I made an extra side dish and adjusted my attitude. I fought with my aggravation again when he was an HOUR late. Arghh.
Turns out he was totally despondent over the fact his wife had moved out that morning and the affect of the talk over dinner was water to his soul and balm to his wounds. And I almost missed it. Dinner was excellent and there wasn't a morsel left over.
Note to self: It’s not always convenient to reach out to others. But it’s always worth it.
Beyond what we're aware of, I’m thinking.
I leave you with a smile from one of my favorite deep thinkers.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
~Dr. Seuss
If you want to share a post of an Everyday Epiphany you've experienced, please surprise me by linking up.
This was a great lesson for you and all of us. Sometimes it is hard to let others into our little worlds, but n the end it usually ends up being for the better.
Have a great weekend!
this is my prayer for myself..that I will never be too busy to love the person God brings across my path.
So glad you didn't miss it! it's a good reminder to me to focus out not in!
What a great post . . . and a good reminder. I love that Dr. Seuss quote--I may have to borrow that sometime.
So thankful you changed your mind. Aren't you? great story!
That was a great post. There is more than meets the eyes. I am so glad that you changed your mind and invited him.
I am a big believer in doing things like that for people. Good for you! It sounds like the evening helped him alot and probably made you feel good also.
I don't know exactly why, but it seems we are truly willing to help people, but then when it is time that they need our help, it's the most inconvenient time imaginable! Just another little lesson for us, I suppose. But it always feels so good to do the right thing after we've done it! Good for you.
Thanks for the shout out!
I must admit that at times I don't make connections because of the "inconvenience factor."
Love the quote! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Nice to meet you! Have a great week!
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