Here’s a short list of what I’m going to do that’s good for me today.
1. Exercise for at least 30 minutes.
2. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.
3. Post a handwritten note.
4. Make a new contact for Lifepoint Speaker.
Focus is a real challenge for me so I’ve revived a technique that’s worked for me in the past. What’s your focus?
Sounds like a good plan...not overwhelming but do-able.
I think I'll come up with my four:
walk/run for 30
clean out linen closet (ugh)
eat a big salad for lunch
mop floors
Let see, I already exercised. I only brought healthy food for lunch so that is a given. I think I will clean my office and finish this pile of paperwork to make my boss happy. :)
Had fun with this...thanks for the idea...
So how did you do?
Twitter: AboutParenting
My focus is a bit broader as I try to take care of the myriad details involved in being ready to leave the boys at home while I go to a conference this weekend. Your post dovetails nicely though with mine today about avoiding 'idleness.'
Thanks for stopping by RefreshMomentsRefreshMoments during the UBP. Drop by again today and next Tuesday to check out our ongoing "Ruby Tuesdays;" if you leave a comment you'll get your name in the hat a couple more times for the "Afternoon Tea in a Box" giveaway! I'll look forward to seeing more of you, here and there!
Thank you so much for visiting me. You do have a lovely smile!
1. Order Vitamins
2. Call my Mom
3. Walk in the park
4. Read the rest of Stasi & John Eldredge's: Captivating.
I'll be back; your blog is interesting.
Focus. It's huge for me. I lose mine often, but usually I get back on track by reminding myself I can either live intentionally, or allow life's winds to blow me around.
I had yet another "teacher test" to take and had been putting it off. Last Thursday I just took the plunge and registered for the first available date, the next Tuesday (today). With a deadline looming I was forced to study, took the test today and passed. One HUGE thing off the list!
And I washed and baggied 15 bags of various fresh snacks . . . grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, carrots, etc. For some reason that one tiny little step goes so far towards a healthier week at my house!
Now on to the 1,001 other things on my list to get ready for baby.
This year I have 3 I'm trying to focus on. Exercise - Write - Garden
A great post..... I've too have done the 'just for today' focus. It sure works.
I think staying focused works better when we don't try to multi-task all the time. Some things, some occasions, but I work better if I'm focused on one thing at a time. Giving it my full attention makes me more aware of being in the present and enjoying the moment.
So thanks for the reminder -- a good one for the beginning of a new week!
Blessings! Brenda
Good Morning!!! beverlydru.blogspot.com is one of the most excellent resourceful websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. I will be back.
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