I had read on someone's blog that the Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Twist is awesome. Oh, yes indeed it is.
We do my mom's shopping for her, so we go and buy her gifts as well as those we give each other and and then pretend like we don't know what we're getting. The funny reality is that in the busy month that passes before we open the packages under the tree, we really do forget half of what we chose. Granted, it cuts down on the surprise factor, but it also eliminates disappointment as well as the hassle of returns and exchanges.
The bargains abounded and I am so happy to be home in the recliner. 'Tis the season! Merriness to you.

LOL. What!? No Surprise Factor!? LOL
Sounds like you had a great day! Hope you got a lot done!
You are a brave lady. It would take a crane to get me to go shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. I truly truly hate crowds.
I went to your link and noticed alot of the women there do or have done flylady. I go through phases and use her. Her system really does work. I did open a second email account just for her to help keep my other email uncluttered. The main tip I've kept from her is to try to keep my sink clean and dry. It really does make a difference!
My favorite movie for when I'm doing Christmas prep is Miracle on 34th Street...the original black and white. I also love it's a Wonderful Life. Yes, a bit corny but I simple adore Jimmy Stewart.
I can't wait to stop at the first Starbucks I see (probably in an airport!) and have a Peppersmint Mocha.
I tried them for the first time last year, and they are delicious!
Happy Shopping and then relaxing!
I had the peppermint mocha and the ginger snap latte, and am having the truffle one next. (not all at one visit - I'd never sleep!)
I heart Starbucks. :D
ok, I am going to have to try that peppermint mocha twist......so many people have said how good it is! I think I have really kept myself from trying them so as not to get addicted to yet another coffee!!
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