We have 2 dogs and a cat. Do we need another pet? Probably not. Do I want another pet? Yes I do.
I have never had a dog that is mine. Don't get me wrong, I love our Labradors. But their first loyalty is to my husband. I'll do if he's not around. They are also outside dogs. I have never had a little dog. Oh my, I think I'll have to call today and say, "How much is that doggie in the window."
I have never had a dog that is mine. Don't get me wrong, I love our Labradors. But their first loyalty is to my husband. I'll do if he's not around. They are also outside dogs. I have never had a little dog. Oh my, I think I'll have to call today and say, "How much is that doggie in the window."
you sound just like me!! just a little while ago I bought MY dog...an airedale terrier. you probably read about her in my blog!
She is all mine....and I LOVE HER and am so pleased with the purchase.
Know that it is hard work training them and all, but well worth it. Can't wait to hear if the
Price is Right
Ahhhhhhhhh..... how sweet! Of course you need another pet (smile)....
Come by my site sometimes, as I have an award for you! Joy joy!
I arrived here from Brenda's blog. Oh yes, I can see why you need a puppy. The black one in the middle is the cutest in my opinion but I'm sure yours (if you go ahead)will be the cutest again.
I'll come back and check what happened... :-)))
How ADORABLE! SOLD! LOL! I love animals and puppies are SO hard to pass up. My Tobi is part Chow, and Chows are one people dogs. I am without a doube, HER person! LOL! Can't wait to see which one you get. :)
I would have a hard time resisting those faces, too! :o)
I think it's a wonderful idea and it would make you smile every day! They are sooo cute!
oh they are sooo cute. we had a schnauzer growing up..great dogs!!!
I forgot to tell you these are Morkies. Maltese and Yorkie.
Makes me think of that old TV show "Mork and Mindie" with Robin Williams. Hilarious and endearing.
I love my dog, an indoor dog, Boston Terrier. There is nothing like the love of a dog. :D
Hello. You've seen Zoe. She's a Yorkie. Now, just do your research, keep a level head, because a doggie changes everything. Yes, you will need a babysitter when you go on vacay for example. They're a lot of work, health problems (no predicting) are expensive, and they're one more thing to clean up after. HOWEVER-- how do you think I feel about my little mess-maker? LOVE, LOVE! Just want you to research the breed(s) before you leap.
No dogs, no dogs, just keep saying it. My cats wouldn't stand for something like that.
Oh YES! I have a yorkie and love him. He is so much fun and so loving and cute. About 4 years ago my husband finally broke down and got me my very own dog that can stay in the house. The dog now has made us great owners... they are such sweet little ones... plus, they don't shed! Andy (my yorkie) was solid black when we got him, but he's turned light tan...
Aww...puppy breath! How sweet! We adopted a little Silky Terrier (you can read about it in my blog from last year), to add to our family of the 2 bigdogs and Baggie (short for Begerra) the cat. Way too cute, but for sure pay attention to Lidna's advice...
(p.s. Where's your Picture Tag?)
You HAVE to let us know if you get one. As you may have read on my blog, we got a shih-tzu puppy last year and he has brought so much joy to our family.
Plus, think of all the blog fodder of puppy would give you. I know, it's bad when it becomes all about the blog. :)
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