This week, when I gave the angel table runners, I was so blessed by the email from the winner. It really gave her a lift to win. It literally brought tears to my eyes to realize that this simple thing had touched someone. I know we are more focused on giving at this time of year and that’s a good thing. If you want to read a story that will really touch your heart, see Lysa’s post today about her mission trip to the laundromat.

May the eyes of your heart be open today to give small gifts – a smile, a word of encouragement or letting someone go in front of you in a line. It’s the little things can make a big difference. And be sure to come back tomorrow- I’ll be giving away a book!
What a beautifully written post! Love you!
I love that post on Lysa's blog. Thanks for directing me there because I have been waiting for God to show me where he wants me to give some money I have and as I read that blog, it came to me clear as day!!! I am so excited!!! Thank you!
Thanks for the link up. Have a wonderfully Merry Christmas!
I sure hope you aren't dissapointed with your gifts. They are very simple hand made crafts so I hope you like them. If you like you may give them to someone younger. The good news is they are on the way. :)
For more ideas on cheerful giving, visit
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