I just read
Uncommon Blonde’s blog and was prompted to take a picture of this hideous item found on Builderman’s desk. What’s the story? What is this? It’s her story so you can
read it there. She’s also giving away a $15 iTunes Gift Card so your visit can reap rewards beyond satisfying your curiosity.
I can’t believe I posted this picture of Uncommon Blonde’s worst Christmas present ever. Eeewwww and double Eeewwww!

Builderman’s comments on this post were: “Hey, it works really well. Notice the workmanship! Do I get a commission for you using the photo on your blog?
Umm – a firm NO to all!
ewwww.... I am not sure I want to hear the story on that one!!! That is gross looking!
Btw, I found DICEcapades at Barnes and Nobles. i had never seen it before that. Hope you can find it because it is fun!
ok, went over to hear the story!! That is hilarious!! I got into a "war" with my best friends husband one year at Xmas...he took it much farther than I would have and I learned to not start something like that without a lot of thought!! ha!
That was great!
That is so funny! I'm impressed with his creativity! What a man you have there!
Still shuddering over that one ... thanks for the photo reminder (not really)
I know exactly what it is...I'm going over to her blog and see if I can win.
I can't top that present but the worst I got was bubble gum and I am not sure what the best was.
White Christmas is on Lifetime tonight (Friday) at 8 central. You MUSt dvr it!!! :-)
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