Marriage. A most wonderful mystery. I’ve been meditating on the covenant of marriage for the last month. During this time, I have been asked to do a seminar at a Bible Institute and they left the topic open for my choice. I usually speak in the world of business, so I have been prayerfully considering what my assignment is in this opportunity.
I have decided to do a seminar on marriage. After 30 years, I’ve learned a lot. Builderman was unsaved for the first 17 years of our marriage. The past 13 years since he developed a relationship with the living God have been totally different. But not necessarily easy. Why isn’t marriage easy?? Because I am not dead to self, that’s why.
I need your help with the title. I’ve thought of “Happily Ever After – Fantasy or Reality?” One of my favorite book titles is Beth Moore’s Feathers from My Nest: A Mother's Reflections.
Your suggestion will enter you in the drawing to win the great book by Francine Rivers. You don’t have to come up with the “best” title to win. Just make a stab at it and your name is in the hat. (I’ll actually use the Random Number Generator to keep it random) I’ll leave the drawing open through Saturday, Oct. 11th and announce the winner soon after. This is my first give-away, so I'm excited. Thanks for your ideas!!
Happily Ever After - One Bulb at a Time
Tending Til Eternity
Planting Bulbs While Tending Hearts
...just some brainstorming
Well I'll share my husband's and my seminar title, but I guess that's cheating...
Exceptional Marriage; Be the exception, not the rule.
Ours is actually Exceptional Families, but you get the idea.
How about:
Solving the Marriage Mystery: It's Not Murder...It's Dying to Self.
(too many episodes of CSI, perhaps?)
A Marriage Made in Heaven - how to survive the Thunder and Lighting that is also there...
But, I also really like your original title.
I like your original title! Will they be taping the seminiar? You don't need to enter me into the drawing, I already have the's GREAT!
Marriage....Who Knew?
Ok, not my best work, I couldn't think of a thing.
I liked yours.
I'm not good at these things....Marriage....the Road to Contentment?? I tagged you for a meme at my blog if you'd like to play. Connie
Well I'm just no good at titles. I like CK's. Congratulations on the seminar though!
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