I am steadily working through a list of places I want to go, but the list continues to grow since I want to revisit most places I’ve been. Like Italy. Enchanting, fascinating, exciting, oh yeah. Last summer, my mother wanted to take me on a cruise for my birthday. (Okay, twist my arm!) I chose the Mediterranean cruise and can highly recommend it. Five of us went- my mom and my sister and my 2 daughters.
TIP: It’s true that pickpockets and thieves congregate where the tourists are distracted and often unaware. (This is true of any country!) We all got the Vera Bradley hipster bags that you can literally wear on the front of your body and keep your hand on. This is a perfect travel bag, as you can also keep it on your lap in a restaurant or sidewalk cafĂ©. Here we are modeling the hipster!

Above: Cupcake and Uncommon Blonde in Monte Carlo.
Below: Me and my Mom in Rome!

Head on over to Antique Mommy’s for more tips.
P.S. I am going on a jaunt with my mom again soon to Hilton Head, S.C. We are pondering day trips to Savannah and possibly Charleston. If anyone has any suggestions of “must do” activities in those locations, let me know!
Rome?!? Rome?!?! First the beach, and now Rome? I tell you, you are blessed! My husband doesn't like to vacation. So we don't much. We do the mandatory 1 week a year to the beach - have to fight him to make him stay 6 days.
Love your bag. Too cute!!!!
p.s. I got a Vera Bradley wallet and showed it to my OTHER sister (ET) and I said "this is a Vera Bradley" - she says "it looks like a Vera Ugly (very ugly)." I had to laugh - her patterns, you either love 'em or hate 'em. LOL!!
Your killing me! ;) Your travels sound heavenly!
Thanks for the tip!
I love to travel! My favorite destination is Israel. Everytime I go I feel like I'm "home". There is just no other place that compares. Our plans for retirement were to travel lots. So far, we have traveled back to Georgia to visit family and for funerals... Not quite the travel plans we originally had in mind!
We will get there!
I love hearing about other people's travels, it allows me to pretend to be there as well! hehee. I have never been to Savannah, but I have heard from friends that Paula Deen's "Lady and Son's" restaurant is a must! Can't wait to hear and see more about your travels!
Did you know that one of the worst places to get pick pocketed is the VATICAN? I couldn't believe it. Going to check out that purse.
Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning! Good to meet you!
Charleston is one of our FAVORITE cities in the U.S. We head to Kiawah Island every couple of years and absolutely love that part of the country.
I could give you some good Charleston ideas. Email me--your in-box will have the address. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I always feel there are too many places and too little time.
The bag tip is handy especially in my own hometown (unfortunately!)
I will keep that in mind when I get to Italy...TODAY!!! :)....I'm in the airport.
I LOVE Savannah..you must eat at the Pink House and have the deep fried flounder, they are known for it......truely amazing!!! Don't eat in the restaurant, but go down in the bar downstairs...no reservation necessary and just as good atmosphere!
I just tried to leave a comment and it timed out so you might get this twice. I really like those bags! Usually travel-themed stuff is sort of dorky, but those are cute. And pickpockets are a real danger in touristy spots, which is such a bummer.
I've never had much opportunity to travel. I've been back & forth between California and Texas and that's about it except for some business trips to MN and FL.
Looking forward to hearing about your travels!
CK's comment cracked me up!
I've never had to opportunity to travel and I think I would be weary to travel outside of the US. On the other hand, if I had the opportunity...who knows?
I like those Hipster Bags. I've always though fanny packs were ridiculous looking but these are stylish.
Charleston is great - you'll love it. But, if you're tempted to buy one of the sweetgrass baskets when you walk through the market area in downtown, they are VERY expensive. It's a whole lot cheaper to stop at one of the road-side stands that you'll pass along Hwy 17 as you head towards Savannah. Have fun!
PS: Found your blog thru the link from Antique Mommy.
you saved me today...while standing in line to vote...you didn't know you were helping me, did you??...your kindness continued to keep me focused on something other than what i was there to do...you were there in spirit and I thank you...as I stood shuffling...you made it so much easier, so much more handle-able...I was able to bide the time and be in another time, another place...'cause I was reading "Scarlet Thread" while standing in line...3 1/2 hours to vote...thank you...it worked wonderfully and i'm loving the book...come read my post...
: )
I have been to Italy and I loved it. I live in Charleston so if you are planning a trip here just drop me a line and I can tell you all about it. I have lived here 30 years and my wife was born here. There are lots of things to do here. I would suggest breakfast one day at Marion Square and if you like wine please visit Irvin house vineyards. There is also the house from the movie The Notebook if you are a fan of that movie. Too much to mention here but if you are coming I would be glad to help out.
This post was meant for my girlfriends whom I meet with every Wednesday night. They want all of us to take a trip together, and right now, the preferred spot is Greece. They are also into Vera Bradley more than I am. thanks for the interesting post with pics!
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