Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Fitness is Fun (?) Initiative
I was able to join the call yesterday because I was working at my computer on a repetitive task that didn’t require my full attention...well, at least I hope it didn’t. I can say it was time well spent as I decided at the end of it that I am a slug and I got up and went for a RUN. Not a wog. Sara Haley did a good job of conveying some key points on the call. She loves to dance and teaches rebounding and all kinds of classes in New York City. (I didn’t even know what rebounding is.) She has taught in Chicago too and commented on the big difference in the fitness cultures. (Oh my- I don’t know if we even have a fitness culture in my area! LOL)
1) The best indication of a good cardio workout is that you become out of breath and sweaty. (I guess that means if you can still sing you’re not breathless. Ooops.)
2) Find music that motivates you. It can take your workout from average to amazing. (Yep- I need some new music)
3) You have to change your workout to change your body. Your body will grow accustomed to the same movements – it is critical to vary your workout. (Oh- no wonder my body has not changed!)
4) Fitness can and should be fun. (I do need some help & inspiration here, no doubt.)
They referenced “The Biggest Loser” TV show as an example of the fun ways people are getting into fitness. I love that show, but it sure doesn’t look like they’re having fun to me, though they are definitely losing weight.
I have decided to add a workout video to my Christmas list but I need a fun one with good music. Is there such a thing?? Anybody know of one? I need some new shoes too. At least I can say I wear the bounce out of my cross-training shoes. I won’t mention how long that takes me. ; ) And Reebok Team, in case you’re reading this, my shoe size is 8. Thank you very much.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wisdom & Longevity in the Land of Cotton
Mayo Clinic researchers have something to say about longevity. They studied the results of a questionnaire designed to rate respondents according to optimism or pessimism.
Follow-up questionnaires showed that the pessimistic participants tended to die earlier than the optimists, regardless of age or sex.
Pessimism can be considered a risk factor for early death.
(Source: Discovery Health)
LouLou recited from Longfellow’s “Psalm of Life” on Sat. these words to live by:
“Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not it’s goal;
Dust thou art to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act that each tomorrow
Find us farther than today.”
She knows all 9 stanzas of the poem!
The truth of the matter and the final Word on this subject is from Phil. 4:8,9.
"Finally, brothers, whaetever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things… And the peace of God will be with you."
Friday, October 24, 2008
For Such a Time as This
I heard a speaker this week at a business luncheon sponsored by CIBN (Christian International Business Network). The speaker finished 3 minutes after he started. No, really I think he spoke for 40 minutes but it SEEMED like 3, and he left the entire audience thirsting for more. The arrows of wisdom were flying and I couldn’t listen fast enough, much less take notes fast enough. I had never heard of Lance Wallnau, but he is an internationally-known speaker and I can assure you I won’t forget his name now. He is a man with a message.
He spoke about building the Kingdom of God on this earth. There’s much to be done and as Kingdom people, we must not be swayed by a spirit of fear in these perilous times. We have the power and authority to be the light in the midst of darkness! Whatever your appointed sphere of influence is, you can make a difference. As we see world systems topple, strongholds are being shaken, offering opportunity for the penetration of truth and integrity. Lance challenged everyone in the room to stand firm, be alert and be prepared for assignments from the King. What an exciting time to be alive!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Terrific Travel Tips!
I am steadily working through a list of places I want to go, but the list continues to grow since I want to revisit most places I’ve been. Like Italy. Enchanting, fascinating, exciting, oh yeah. Last summer, my mother wanted to take me on a cruise for my birthday. (Okay, twist my arm!) I chose the Mediterranean cruise and can highly recommend it. Five of us went- my mom and my sister and my 2 daughters.
TIP: It’s true that pickpockets and thieves congregate where the tourists are distracted and often unaware. (This is true of any country!) We all got the Vera Bradley hipster bags that you can literally wear on the front of your body and keep your hand on. This is a perfect travel bag, as you can also keep it on your lap in a restaurant or sidewalk café. Here we are modeling the hipster!

Above: Cupcake and Uncommon Blonde in Monte Carlo.
Below: Me and my Mom in Rome!

Head on over to Antique Mommy’s for more tips.
P.S. I am going on a jaunt with my mom again soon to Hilton Head, S.C. We are pondering day trips to Savannah and possibly Charleston. If anyone has any suggestions of “must do” activities in those locations, let me know!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Nature Trumps Technology
The reason I could laugh is because of stress management. I left my computer for the day Saturday for this view:

I consider myself quite blessed that I live in the country yet I am 45 minutes from the beach.
Beach + Daughters = Major Relaxation!
Happy Monday.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Beignets for Breakfast

This is a great gift idea. You can order from Cafe du Monde online! Scroll down to yesterday's post for the rest of the story.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Give-aways are Grand
I won Rachel's nest of New Orleans prizes and was so excited. But something happened between her posting the package in Lousiana and it's arrival in Florida. The box was almost empty upon delivery. She was horrified and I was sad, as the New Orleans Coffee and Beignent mix were going to bring Cafe Du Monde to my neighborhood. (My mom always said if I didn't have anything nice to say I shouldn't say anything at all so we will not discuss the "service" of our postal system and issues with numerous federal agencies. Ahem) Rachel felt so bad, but it's not like I'd paid for the goodies so I told her just don't worry about it. But today, UPS brought me a package and guess what? Coffee with Beignets this weekend! WooHoo!
Thank you Rachel, for being an exemplary blogger (she has just started a series on Dave Ramsey's principles) as well as an exceptional person. I am pleased to know you!

Now it's YOUR turn to win. If you haven't read any books by Randy Alcorn, you should. I read "Safely Home" and it was amazing. He is giving away 3 copies of his book "Deadline" and you have until Oct 24 to enter by leaving a comment. Go HERE for your chance to win. He also writes a fascinating blog.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Rich Gifts
Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
~ Dr. Seuss
I love Dr. Suess. He has a way keeping it simple. Clearly a gift that he used well.
Edie over at Rich Gifts posts a question every week. Her recent question asked about our unique design. I wrote pages in my head and had so much to say I couldn’t seem to get it through the computer. So I’m just going to comment on one thing that has been at the forefront for me because of recent events.
I love music. I breathe music. The way I tell it - I am bilingual. Music is my first language and English is my second. I mean it. And I’m a worshipper. Time has no meaning once I sit down at my piano and get lost in the sounds and the presence of God.
There’s a long story that I’ll make short about all this. I studied piano for 12 years when I was in school and was quite “fluent”. When I was about 15, an unnatural fear of playing in front of people took over. And for about 25 years, I only played at home. One day, I recognized that fear had stolen something precious and good and I determined to press through the fear. I continue to work on that. It’s crazy to me that I can speak or sing in front of 1,000 people and I’m not nervous. But when I put my hands onto the keyboard, it’s a different story.
Last week I was asked to play and do the music and worship during altar time at church. It was truly a God thing that I was asked, as pastor had never even heard me play. I started Sunday and I am so excited. This is a new season. This is a door of opportunity. And even though I was nervous, I felt a new freedom and it felt glorious.
“...For the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy….” BUT we’ve been made more than conquerors!
I know music is a part of me. It’s a gift that is being restored in ways I have yet to experience. I’ll be seeking out bloggers who lead worship for resources and such, so let me hear from you if this is your gift!
Monday, October 13, 2008
And the winner is...
Can you believe she was the first entry and she won?! Proof is here:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2008-10-13 18:31:21 UTC
Please email me at beverlydru at with your physcial address so I can mail your book.
Thanks for you help!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Real Deal
The first thing that happened is I had an “incident” at home. In order to protect the innocence (cough, cough) of certain parties, suffice it to say that I allowed myself to become offended. Then I held on to my attitude and the small issue escalated out of proportion. I trust that has never happened to you. Of course, I started having thoughts like, “who am I to teach on marriage when I’m still figuring this out myself!” Actually, how could I possibly encourage others if I didn’t walk it out myself? I promise I won’t misrepresent myself by saying I have perfected the art of being married. But I am happily married and continue to learn daily how to remain so.
The second confirmation (ahem) came through my best friend. She isn’t a blog reader, so I called to tell her what I’d decided on for a topic. She didn’t stop laughing for 5 minutes. This didn’t offend me at all, as she has been my friend for 30 years and she has seen it all. I figured she was just overcome with joy. I am happy to be able to bring so much amusement into her day.
I’ll leave you with a favorite story told by a pastor’s wife who was teaching on marriage at a seminar I attended years ago. She was recounting an “incident” in her home when she had made a costly mistake with their checking account. In anger, her husband said, “You sure are pretty but how can you be so stupid?” She came back with, “God made me pretty so you’d marry me. And God made me stupid so I’d marry you! I thought that was hilarious. I doubt if she really said that. I never think that fast on my feet - it’s like 4 hours later when good comeback lines hit me. (Probably for my own protection.)
So there you have it. I’m excited. Keep the comments coming on possible titles. I really like your ideas. The giveaway is open through Saturday and you can leave your thoughts on this post too.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Happily Ever After? Really?
Marriage. A most wonderful mystery. I’ve been meditating on the covenant of marriage for the last month. During this time, I have been asked to do a seminar at a Bible Institute and they left the topic open for my choice. I usually speak in the world of business, so I have been prayerfully considering what my assignment is in this opportunity.
I have decided to do a seminar on marriage. After 30 years, I’ve learned a lot. Builderman was unsaved for the first 17 years of our marriage. The past 13 years since he developed a relationship with the living God have been totally different. But not necessarily easy. Why isn’t marriage easy?? Because I am not dead to self, that’s why.
I need your help with the title. I’ve thought of “Happily Ever After – Fantasy or Reality?” One of my favorite book titles is Beth Moore’s Feathers from My Nest: A Mother's Reflections.
Your suggestion will enter you in the drawing to win the great book by Francine Rivers. You don’t have to come up with the “best” title to win. Just make a stab at it and your name is in the hat. (I’ll actually use the Random Number Generator to keep it random) I’ll leave the drawing open through Saturday, Oct. 11th and announce the winner soon after. This is my first give-away, so I'm excited. Thanks for your ideas!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Yippee- ki-o-ki-a

So Yippee- ki-o-ki-a– here comes Quick Draw McGraw. Does anyone else remember that cartoon? I think that just dated me, big time. Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Forever God is Faithful!!
Just wanted you to know the miracle is in progress. Thanks so much for praying.
Keep it up. It makes ALL the difference in the world.