“A friend knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you
when you’ve forgotten the words.”
2. I'm amazed at my good fortune at the wonderful friends that came into my life when Fireman married last August. Daughter-in-love is fabulous and her mom and I have so much in common it’s amazing. This week she was up visiting and we walked on the beach, laughed and shared thankful hearts. She recently took a trip to Dubai and it was fascinating to hear all about that. I love her!!

3. Cupcake has a mouse at her house. She was certain that it was going to come out and bite her while she slept but I assured her that it’s more scared of her than she is of it. Makes me extra-thankful that Builderman deals with any such issues around our house. I’m spoiled.
4. For several years, I have yearned for a small group of women that I could grow with and be challenged by. I recently stepped onto the Area Board of a women’s ministry that has filled that bill so well that I am in awe.
5. I’m headed to Alabama to see LouLou tomorrow. She is getting tired at 102 ½. When I hear this awesome song “Finally Home” by Mercy Me, I’m reminded that we’re pilgrims here. She’s almost home.
Enjoy the journey this weekend!