Friday, November 13, 2009

Just 4 Today

Busy weeks and super-busy weeks seem to be the two choices that most people I know operate with. To-do lists, appointments, work, errands, paying bills, care-giving, running a house….need I continue?

That’s why I like the concept of Just 4 Today. Sometimes the lists get rather overwhelming. That’s when it’s time to break it down – especially the least favorite tasks. It brings to mind Mary Poppins and her famous ability to “Snap” and make the job a game.

So today, I decided to revive my Just 4 Today list. 4 actions that I can take that will move me toward a bigger goal… just one day at a time. Here’s my list:
1) Exercise at least 30 minutes
2) Count points and record everything I eat. (The little things add up, Beverly, remember that concept??)
3) Write 2 notes of appreciation and mail them.
4) Accomplish 1 task from my list for my ministry leadership position.

A little of this and a little of that, some for them and some for me. Reminds me of the best boutique name I’ve ever seen, “Two for me and One for You”. Have a terrific weekend. Hope you get lots done... or not!


Merrie said...

Oh! Such a great concept and such a relief! It is wonderful to cut back and take the stress and guilt off not accomplishing everything in one day.
Some days I get so overwhelmed with things that I never get to the main things that need to be done. That leads to some unhappy campers (me and Hugsum!)

Heidi said...

Good idea. I'm making my list short today, so I can actually check 'em all off!

Sylane Mack said...

Love much.
Be kind.
Be thankful.
Breathe deeply.
Those are my top Just 4 Today always. And I pray that God will lead me to put all the other practical and necessary stuff to do in HIS order...and not in my crazy, busy order.
When I let God keep my top Just 4 Today in place, it's a heck of a lot easier to have a balanced perspective on everything else!
My love and thankfulness for you, Bev! Always through the good and faithful love Jesus, Sylane

Kathleen said...

Intentional living at it's best! Simple. Do-able. Striking a balance is the secret of success, and it sounds like you've factored that into the equation.


Edie said...

Good thoughts Beverly. I'm trying not to focus on so many things at once, it's just making my head spin. I've got my list to remind me to stay focused. I have taken up a daily walking routine to try to get my exercise in too.