Thursday, April 17, 2008

Of Blogs and Beauty

Lately, I've spent most of my blog time reading rather than writing. The talented writers, amusing videos and sheer volume of available resources in blogland is staggering. I have been researching to determine if I should use blogspot for my Lifepoint Blog or a different blog platform. I want to separate them, so I have decided to go with Wordpress, unless someone out there has better advice. I know they don't allow ads, but that's the only drawback. Personally, I am MUCH more likely to click through to buy something if someone has done a post about a product anyway. I have lots of interesting posts floating about in my head, but since I am supposed to be working right now, I'll just share this beauty tip for now. Very comforting for those of us who are noticing the steady pull of that thing called gravity.

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