Monday, September 28, 2009

Peace Be Unto You

Even the weak become strong when they are united. ~J. Von Schiller

It was special to unite with friends from the blog world yesterday to lift up a banner of prayer over Andrew. We literally had people from coast to coast. It was powerful; if you missed it, I’m sure we’ll be doing it again.

I’m thinking about the miracle that is the nation of Israel today as they observe Yom Kippur. Peace is not the norm in Jerusalem, but it’s evident at least on this day as the whole nation pauses. The airport is shut down, TV and radio stations are off the air and all businesses are closed.

At our house, there’s a new peace between predator and prey. Yes, the 3 chickens who survived the Night of Terror have made peace with the dogs who were the perpetrators.
"We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers."~Martin Luther King, Jr

On a lighter note, I have to say that one of the few bumper stickers I’ve considered putting on my car is this one:
Shalom aleichem! (Peace be unto you)


B His Girl said...

This was the first time I have ever been on a conference call prayer. I know the Lord was on the line too. Thanks for doing this. God was revealing Himself powerfully all day yesterday. What an awesome God we serve! Blessings to you and Jim. Barbara

Kelly said...

I"m sorry I missed it. My kids were both home & "mama!"ing. I was in affirmation with you at 3 yesterday, however.

Greg C said...

That is an ineresting bumper sticker. So what happened to the chickens? I must have missed that post.

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

I am glad for the blessings and prayers for Andrew. And peace among the chickens and dogs is a start, eh? We used to have bumper stickers that said "I love my wife" and "I love my husband" but now we don't have that car anymore. I need to get more.
I wanted to tell you, I did the "five words" meme!

Melanie said...

How can I thank you for the prayer conference call yesterday? I wanted to try to join in but I couldn't work it out.
I do want to say that yesterday afternoon, we had friends here. The 4 of us had communion around Andrew while he slept. We layed hands on him and prayed for about 25 minutes. At that moment I physically felt something happen in Andrew. I can't really explain it but I felt a change. I know the prayers of the saints culminated inn that moment in time! We are expecting only good reports from here out!
Melanie & family

Reasons said...

I do hope Andrew is getting well. Sending love and thoughts to his family.x

Edie said...

What a blessing it was to be a part of the prayer call. Thank you again for putting it together Beverly.

I had several people comment that they would have joined us but they found out after it was over. They are still praying in agreement.

Love you!

Zuzana said...

Lovely post, so much kindness and care...
I am happy that all your pets are now friends.;)