I feel like a log in the middle of a river of bloggers that got stuck between 2 rocks. There's a great current rushing by me - I feel the flow and need to get back in it!
I like blogging for lots of reasons, the first being the meaningful connection with YOU! I also like having a written record of life. It's easy to forget important moments when they get carried away in the flow of days, which become months and turn into years.
Plus, the Lewis family is getting ready to grow... 2 babies are coming in the next 3 months and I must record the joy of it all.
Random thoughts tossed into the current:
- A recent fascination with Twitter has taken some of the time I allow myself for "social media." One of the things I've enjoyed about it is the challenge to communicate a thought in about 130 characters. Brevity reigns on Twitter, and Lord knows I needed a lesson in brevity.
- I love being busy but there are days I would like to feel like I've finished my work. It is NEVER complete... I just stop when I run out of day. I'm betting you know the feeling.
- I have to even confess this, seeing as I live in Florida and many of you don't, but I am OVER winter. Cold, wet days with little sunshine are not my friend anymore.
- My glasses broke in my hand this morning. My bifocal contact lenses are not great for computer work and are absolutely terrible for reading. I'm thinking clear vision has just become a priority and my afternoon is going to have to make room for a trip to the optometrist.
Thanks for coming by in the flow of your day. You are important to me.
He who postpones the hour of living
is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out
before he crosses. ~Horace