The result is I've been building my client base with LifePoint as a Merchant of Hope & Executive Business Trainer. I'm loving it. One thing I've done this year is teamed up with Becky Harmon of Success Not Sabotage Coaching. We're doing team-building in Tele-Classes, Workshops, Retreats and such. Right now, we're working with a team of 10 Christian Businesswomen & Ministry Leaders who've dubbed themselves the Grace Girls. This has been an amazing experience and of course I've learned more from them than they could have possibly learned from me. I just want to let you know Becky and I are organizing our last Tele-team (location doesn't matter) of 2010 on October 13 on Creating a Team that Roars: Magnetizing and Cultivating a Team that Gets Results. If you want to know more, details are HERE .
One of the Grace Girls, Jane Falter, is an Encore Coach that I'm joining with next week to present a Free Tele-Seminar called Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life.
A survey I participated in as a blogger about a year ago revealed that 80% of women over 40 live with a sense of disappointment. (And you thought you were alone.) Consider joining us next Weds. Oct 6th. Details Here
So now you know where I've been and what I've been doing! I've got more to tell you and am excited about a trip to California later this week. Catch you soon!