March has been more than a whirlwind so thought I'd journal a recap....
1. Our first grandson was born Feb. 28 and I have been back and forth a lot, cooking, snuggling and thoroughly enjoying the fact that he's less than an hour away. I'm beyond delighted:

3. A close family member (who doesn't like to be "uncovered" on blogs and Facebook) was hospitalized with a dangerous, life-threatening situation. Emergency surgery resulted in answered prayer and she is recovering.
4. I spent most of last week in Atlanta on business and was challenged, stretched, inspired.
5. While driving home, I narrowly missed several crazy spring storm cells. Even drove through the mess left by baseball size hail that was piled up like snowbanks along the side of the road. Surreal. I passed through it all safely.
6. Returned home to find another family member battling a scary health issue and went into gear to help there.
7. This weekend brings a regional retreat. Sound relaxing? Well, maybe if I was just attending but minor detail - I'm in charge.
8. I think I can take a breath next week while I pack and start the waiting game for a call to go south when Uncommon Blonde goes into labor with her second daughter.
Busy is in my DNA so I'm not complaining. God is good. I am grateful. Just not blogging much but thinking of you and looking forward to visiting you soon. Thanks for coming by.