Monday, January 24, 2011

Verbal Sunshine

A compliment is verbal sunshine.~ Robert Orben

Someone picked a great month for National Compliment Day. Many are winter-weary and need some extra sunshine today.
We all know an insincere compliment is not helpful and probably use that as an excuse not to compliment people more.

Mark Twain said, "I can live for two months on a good compliment."

So, I have a challenge for you that has two parts. 1) Give a sincere compliment to your spouse today. Maybe relating to something about them that you tend to take for granted. 2) Pay a compliment to someone who's been pushing your buttons lately. This simple exercise can go a along way in mending fences. They may be suspicious but that's not your problem.

If you need a little help jogging your mind to think of something nice to say, here's some thoughts:
...have a great way with words.
...are a terrific leader.
...make working on a project a joy.
...are very creative.
...are a good provider.
...are fun to be with.
...have a great reputation.
...are clever.
...are a good driver.
...can do anything you set your mind to.
...are capable of accomplishing whatever you believe.
...are a good listener.
...are very cheerful.
...are loyal.

Make it a mission today to give kind words freely, especially to those who least expect it. I've been doing this today and being a sunshine dispenser is fun!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I Have a Dream

Seems to me that a lot of people had today off as my phone and email have been rather quiet for a Monday. I blogged about Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous I Have a Dream" speech earlier when I could still formulate words so here's your chance to read a coherent blog post.

At the moment, I'm looking at my varied and lengthy list of things to do, none of which I feel like doing. So I went into "fritter away time" mode and laughed at how we do winter in the south. I'm thinking, "I'm completely over winter - the sky is gray, the grass is brown the air is cold" and then I remember I live in Florida. But I'm still over it.

And then I watched this video at Shelly's blog and it really made me laugh about winter in the south and this lady's thoughts on Martin Luther King day... only watch if you have time to laugh.

Hopefully, I'll be back sooner than later with all kinds of interesting things to say. Thanks for stopping by to say "Hi!"

Monday, January 3, 2011

Cinnamon Rolls and Coffee

That thought is intended to bring you comfort on a Monday morning! This is a feel-good post, intended to make you imagine you have on your favorite slippers.

I do believe our household has a new Christmas morning tradition. Sister Schubert -move on over because I now can make the world's best cinnamon rolls. I can thank Uncommon Blonde for doing the test run of Pioneer Woman's recipe because she figured out what to do and what not to do in this messy undertaking she posted as Kitchen Follies. (I stole her photo from that post.) She told me that afternoon that the rolls would have to sprout $100 bills while baking to make them worth the trouble. The next day's report was that the rolls had sprouted. And I can tell you, these are the best cinnamon rolls I've ever had in my life. We had fun making them together and more fun eating them. Our son had to report for work at the fire station on Christmas morning and it made me really happy to start their morning off with these rolls too.

Now to top it all off, I won a give-away over at Shelly's for a free pound of coffee from "I Have a Bean." She tells the fascinating story of this company in this post. A company on a mission to help people by selling great coffee - I'm sold! They impressed me by sending my coffee Fed Ex, arriving just in time to go with my cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.

Ahhhh - the memory is fresh and the coffee is on. What was something new you did for the holidays?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Everything that Money Can't Buy

It's been a rainy New Year's weekend and I spent part of it packing away all the holiday decorations and cleaning up. Now that I'm finished, the sun is out, the air is crisp and I'm anticipating the fresh new year will usher in lots of exciting things.

It struck me this weekend as I looked over the past year and thought about my goals, I already have everything that money can't buy. And for that I'm thankful.

May your year bring gentle winds...

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~Mark Twain